"And so we came to Rome" - Acts 28:14

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Signing off

Tonight brings our pilgrimage to an end.  Early tomorrow the class will disperse - some back to the Twin Cities, some to other parts of Europe for a little more touring before school starts again, and a few will linger a few more days in Rome.  So, to our dear family, friends, and all who have followed us during our time in Rome and Assisi - THANK YOU for your interest, enthusiasm, and prayers.  We have prayed for you at all our liturgies and have carried many personal intentions in our hearts as we have visited all the holy places to be found in this city - where the Apostles brought the Good News and offered themselves for its spread in glorious martyrdom.  We thank Monsignor Callaghan, Fr. Pish, and most especially Fr. Juan Miguel Betancourt, for making this time possible.  We acknowledge and are grateful for the generosity of the St. Paul Seminary's benefactors whose giving has been instrumental  in our formation for priestly service. We remember too the generosity and spiritual guidance of Fr. Joseph Carola, S.J., during our retreat, as well as all those who arranged for and hosted our visits in Rome.

Solemn Blessing for Feasts of Ss. Peter and Paul
Roman Missal, 3rd Edition

May almighty God bless you,
for he has made you steadfast in Saint Peter’s saving confession
and through it has set you on the solid rock of the Church’s faith.
R. Amen.

And having instructed you
by the tireless preaching of Saint Paul,
may God teach you constantly by his example
to win brothers and sisters for Christ.
R. Amen.

So that by the keys of St Peter and the words of St Paul,
and by the support of their intercession,
God may bring us happily to that homeland
that Peter attained on a cross
and Paul by the blade of a sword.
R. Amen.

And may the blessing of almighty God,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
come down on you and remain with you for ever.
R. Amen.


  1. God bless you all! It was a joy to journey with you!!

  2. Wonderful blog, Father! The pictures made us feel like we were there. We especially liked the picture of the Pope. God bless you.
    Love, SFSJU Third and Fourth graders

  3. Hi!! Thank you for posting all of those pictures. They were cool and beautiful. We all loved them. God bless from the 5/6 graders
